What type of measurement is the Qwiic BME280 pressure sensor returning? It doesn't look to be Pa

Temperature 96.1 F
Humidity 42.8
Dewpoint 70.0 F
Pressure 48618.48 Pa
Altitude 189.69 ft

Right now my pressure is 1011hPa, alt 183ft. Altitude is close, I just had to modify the Qwiic code example to /100.

Here’s my python code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from __future__ import print_function, division
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import qwiic
import time
import sys

bme = qwiic.QwiicBme280()

while True:
    pressure = bme.read_pressure()
    altitudef = bme.get_altitude_feet()/100
    humidity = bme.read_humidity()
    tempf = bme.get_temperature_fahrenheit()
    tempf = round(tempf,1)
    dewf = bme.get_dewpoint_fahrenheit()
    humidity = humidity

    print ("Temperature %.1f F" %tempf)
    print ("Humidity %.1f" %humidity)
    print ("Dewpoint %.1f F" %dewf)
    print ("Pressure %.2f Pa" %pressure)
    print ("Altitude %.2f ft" %altitudef)
    print (" ")

Hi Dolphin.

From looking at the datasheet, I believe the sensor outputs pressure in Pa (Pascals) which would be 1/100 hPa. (hectopascals)

I think it has something to do with the library. If I use the BME library from Adafruit, I get accurate readings. Not sure why the Sparkfun one is giving me something like 48618