It’s a little unclear to me when we need to separate the VIN SEL pads on the M7E board, can i power the board on the VIN safely without separating the pads?
There are 3 ways to provide the 5V : VIN pin on the side of the board, VCC from serial connector on the side of the board OR from the USB connector. If you only use / connect one of those options at a time, no need to change. If you plan to connect a combination of the VIN with USB AND / OR VCC from the serial, you should make a cut that link.
Ah of course - that makes sense!
Thanks again!
On a related note, is there any problem powering my arduino as well as the M7E by an external power source of 5v 2A? I read some place that it wont draw more than 1A anyway.
The power of 2A feeding both the Arduino and the M7E should not be a problem The issue is more related to the fact that the M7E is using the power in burst-mode, when performing a read or a write. How much, depends on your read / write power. A wall wart power supply that can deliver 2A (or more) normally does not have strong capacitors to handle that sudden need and the solution becomes unstable.
Ok that makes sense - for testing purposes while I build the solution I won’t be using too high power so I suspect it might work for now. But i definitely would need a better solution for the final setup then!
Once again - thanks for all the help you provide!