When will Artemis support be added to BLEPeripheral library?

Artemis looks interesting, but, right now, the Artemis products are a non-starter as ‘powerful BLE’ products. The latest library (0.4.0) will produce a ‘unsupported device’ message if you try to build existing BLE examples.

If there’s example code somewhere, where is it?

What SDK were you using to get this message, having compilation issues in Arduino IDE, so I’d love to try an alternative.

Does the board support being a BLE central device?

Must do one or the other at a minimum right?

What SDK were you using to get this message, having compilation issues in Arduino IDE, so I’d love to try an alternative.

Sorry I didn't mention. I was using the Arduino IDE 1.8.9 and had selected the Sparkfun SDK (I don't remember the specific name of it, but it wasn't the Ambiq SDK). I also selected the Artemis ATP board, but I doubt that matters in this case.

Does the board support being a BLE central device?

I wasn't intending to use BLE Central and I'm not sure if the BLEPeripheral library even supports Central role.

Must do one or the other at a minimum right?

I'm not sure what you mean here. I wanted to build a simple peripheral function but even the most basic code won't compile because the BLEperipheral library doesn't recognize this device. I don't have a particular love for that library (other than a bunch of examples around the web). My main concern is that I've found nothing, absolutely no examples of BLE code for an Artemis product. One would think that a product announcement would include something to demonstrate even a basic communications function.

Bringing BLE support to Arduino is high on our priorities, but we are first tackling some cross-platform difficulties with the bootloader tools.

There are BLE examples in the AmbiqSuite SDK (found within the AP3EVB BSP examples directory). You can use this guide as a starting point for using the SDK.

https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/us … pollo3-sdk

Arduino support is improving rapidly, so be sure to continue downloading and trying the latest releases.