Where to get old firmware (.msbl) file of max32664A biometric hub that Sparkfun burn in sensor board

Hi Sparkfun support team,

We brought few max30101 sensor board that has been developed by Sparkfun.(SEN-15219).

Sparkfun is providing Arduino compatible code example through “Hookup Guide”.

We found that Sparkfun is using 10.1.0 version of the biometric hub(max32664a) firmware .msbl file.

current version of the same firmware released from analog devices is 10.3.0.

where can we find this older firmware version 10.1.0 .msbl file that is flashed inside sparkfun HR sensor module?

will someone please provide it to me?

maybe this one https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Pu … r/Firmware