which led strip and controller

we are looking at creating signs. we need to have three strips of high density digital led strip, inidividually addressable. the three strips need to be connected to one controller which we can program to turn each led on or off. looking for recommendations on which strip and which controllers and hardware thank you!

What kind of operating characteristics are you looking for?

For a controller, an Arduino Uno / SparkFun [RedBoard or a [LumiDrive would work.

You will likely need a 5 volt power supply if you’re using more than 20-25 LEDs in your strip at full brightness.

Keep in mind you will need to write the software for the Arduino or LumiDrive to light up the correct LEDs at the appropriate time.

For strips, have a look at the APA102 strips we carry, I don’t know if they are what you’d consider high density but these will work with an Arduino or LumiDrive.](SparkFun LumiDrive LED Driver - DEV-14779 - SparkFun Electronics)](SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic - DEV-15123 - SparkFun Electronics)