WiFi data collection and real-time data analysis software needed

I’m working on a project where I need various sensors placed in an industrial setting. What I would like is for the sensors to transmit their information from their location via WiFi to a central computer where a software program would show the real time the results. What I’m looking for is software solutions to collect the data via WiFi and show all the results from the various sensors in real time. Any help appreciated.

To just see some data, you could run an instance of Putty for each sensor. However, simply being able to see some numbers on a PC screen is seldom adequate in an industrial automation application. Far more frequently, you’re going to want to do something useful with the sensor data and, from there, it can get enormously complicated.

Are your wifi sensors an existing product?

You are correct. Eventually the software needs to do very sophisticated computations and analysis. It will also trigger other sensors depending on certain activities. At this stage I’m designing/or having someone else design, a basic unit just to test the functionality. This is not a big investment at this time. It’s basically an experiment to see what will work and build upon that. Because it’s an industrial setting, there may be interference from other equipment. My goal is to start with simple sensors sending their data wirelessly to a central computer that can show rudimentary analysis. Once this proves successful, the more ambitious project can move forward. Thanx!

Might check with some industrial automation companies to see if they have software that can do this already. If they don’t, you’re probably going to need to hire a programmer to write one for you for your specific needs.