Hi - I’ve got one of the above boards hooked up as per the [tutorial. I have managed to control my TV with it if I hold the IR emitter right up to the TV’s receiver but what I actually want to do is to control a wall-mounted fan heater. The fan heater just doesn’t respond.
Looking at the LED with a phone camera, I can see that the IR emitted by the heater’s supplied remote is fairly bright but the IR coming out of the ESP8266 board is so feeble it can barely be seen (except in a darkened room!)
I’ve tried it powered from my laptop’s USB port via a Beefy, from a phone charger hooked up to VIN, with my own custom code and with the IR Controller firmware project linked to in the tutorial page and always get the same dull, dull LED output, so I know it is unlikely to be a power or code issue.
Can anyone on this forum provide any advice before I scrap this whole approach and head down a completely different avenue? :x
Do I need to swap the LED - could it be faulty? If so, what should I replace it with?](SparkFun WiFi IR Blaster Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)