WiFi signal strength from CC3000 & Arduino

Is there a way to query the WiFi signal strength from the CC3000 Arduino shield using the SFE_CC3000 library? Is there any other way to do it?

I am building a remote sensor that will need a directional antenna and for setup I would like to get feedback for antenna positioning.

Thanks for any help on this.

Many wifi routers have a display of the client’s signal strength.

I found a code fragment on the web that uses:

long rssi = WiFi.RSSI();

But I can’t seem to get RSSI to work as a method.

I can’t use signal strength from the router because the router will be a long ways away (hence the directional antenna) and I may not have much access to it.

I can’t use signal strength from the router because the router will be a long ways away (hence the directional antenna) and I may not have much access to it.

For one-time antenna alignment, can’t use use a cell phone and a friend with a cell phone?

Eventually I would like to ship these to customers, and needing a two man crew is a major drawback.

The info I need is in the CC3000 chip. I just need to figure out the software to make it accessible to the Arduino. If I could find a SPI register address I could take it from there. But TI documentation, as usual, is horrible.

Yes, I did a project with TI’s CC wireless. The problem was that TI cheaped-out and had Bangalore write the documentation. Clearly, no one at TI read it. It was poop.