WiFly and it's various hardware/libraries... need httpclient

Lets start by listing what’s available regarding hardware:


WiFly GSX module only


WiFly GSX breakout, same as module above with breakout board


WiFly Shield, same module as above but includes the SC16IS750 SPI-to-UART chip

The first 2 have only a serial interface, the shield can use SPI because of the SC16IS750

So now what we have available regarding libraries:

WiFlySerial - http://arduinology.tumblr.com/WiFlySerial

This library works with all 3 boards/modules however it is missing a lot, mainly any sort of http client

WiFly - viewtopic.php?f=32&t=25216

This library clones most of the standard ethernet library for use with the WiFly, it works great however it only works on the WiFly Shield as it can only communicate using SPI.

Herein lies my problem, I’d rather avoid the cost of the Shield. Is there any way that I can use the WiFly library in serial mode? The WiFlySerial library uses NewSoftSerial to accomplish this.

Another solution would be a workable http client using the WiFlySerial library. Does anyone have any code samples of either?