WiFly is not responding to UART Commands


i bougth the WiFly Device (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10822?) and the SPI to UART BB (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9981). I checked the functionality of the SPI to UART with two Arduinos.

I connected the SPI to UART via SPI to the Arduino. The WiFly is connected to the SPI to UART. Thats pretty much all the hardware relating the wifly.

To the Software: I’m using the WiFly Library Alpha 2 with Arduino 1.0.1 and the SPIUART Terminal.

The Problem is that after i open the Serial Monitor i get all the Output of the setup() Method:

Attempting to connect to SPI UART...
Connected to SPI UART.

 * Use $$ (with no line ending) to enter WiFly command mode. ("CMD")
 * Then send each command followed by a carriage return.

Waiting for input.

But after that i cannot get into command mode with “$$$”. The Arduino can’t talk to the WiFly Module, but i get all the responses from the module, e.g. when i connect to the module via telnet:


And of course all the other responses from the module.

Luckiely i can reprogram it over telnet to connect to a different network, but i cannot control it with the Arduino.

So it can’t be a wireing problem?

Do you have any idea what the issue might be?

Thank you very much.
