I have connected my WiFly module to my AP.
I’m transferring UDP packets to my AP and further on to my PC and sniffer program - this is working fine.
When I move my Wifly module away from my AP (about 100 meters) then it looks like some UDP packets are retransmitted. I would
not expect this with UDP.
After I have transmitted a file over my UDP connection, I give the command “show stats” to the Wifly module:
show stats
Conns=0, WRX=0/0, WTX=0/0, RTRY=0, RTRYfail=0
URX=128400, UTX=650, RXdrop=70, RXerr=0,
FlwSet=3, FlwClr=3
TX-UDP=0, netbufs=0, evt=0, adhoc_lost=0
Boots=4, Wdogs=1,TXon=0
URX shows the transmitted number of bytes and RXdrop shown how many fails there has been.
Does anyone knows what command to give to the WiFly module so it does retransmit the packets that has been received with errors.
Br Bo