I want to config the module wifly to create ad hoc connection between the module and macbook.
How i can do(the module has the default parameters)?
I want to config the module wifly to create ad hoc connection between the module and macbook.
How i can do(the module has the default parameters)?
As for setting up the device, if you purchased the sparkfun module, it comes setup with the right pin being pulled high to startup in AD-Hoc mode. You should see a blinking light on the module indicating it’s awaiting a connection to be established to it when you power it on. If you’re not seeing this and have access to a multimeter, check your supplies (3.3V to the module on pin 1) then check to make sure pin 9 is at 3.3V on startup.
As for actually connecting to the device from a mac, not sure exactly how to do it, but you should see an access point show up that looks something like: Wifly-GSX-__ once connected you’ll need some sort of socket based application or terminal program to connect with it and communicate. I hear coolterm works well enough: http://freeware.the-meiers.org/
Thanks a lot! But i have only the module(http://www.sparkfun.com/products/11049) which pin is to set at 3.3V?
http://dlnmh9ip6v2uc.cloudfront.net/dat … 171-DS.pdf
If you look at page 4 of the datasheet, they have a bare minimum schematic (well, close, that little section in the bluebox can be ignored, the CTS/RTS lines aren’t essential, and the LEDs can be left off, although it is nice to understand what the module is doing). If you replace with switch found on pin4, GPIO9 (sorry for my earlier confusion) with a pullup, or just a wire run to 3.3V the device will power on in ADHOC mode.