Adding hardware flow control i have managed to push the baudrate up to 921600 using Arduino UNO together with the wifly shield (v2.23 wifly).
Note that since you cannot get this kind of throughput out using the serial monitor(115200 is max), it may be important that you don’t send too much to the PC, so that the arduino doesn’t choke on data.
I found that using the hardware factory reset tool in the wiflyshield framework to be useful before finishing the code, since it provides safe startup, regardless of previous configurations. (This is quite essential if you mess up with baudrates and the wireless communication at the same time…)
Here is what i believe is the essentials:
– in spiUart.cpp:
SpiUartDevice::configureUart(unsigned long baudrate){
setBaudRate(baudrate); //Unchanged
writeRegister(LCR, 0xBF); // access EFR register - essential, but unchanged
writeRegister(EFR, 0xD0); /// enable enhanced registers and flow control - changed * **
writeRegister(LCR, SPI_Uart_config.DataFormat); // 8 data bit, 1 stop bit, no parity- essential, but unchanged
writeRegister(FCR, 0x06); // reset TXFIFO, reset RXFIFO, non FIFO mode - unchanged
writeRegister(FCR, 0x01); // enable FIFO mode -unchanged
- This does work regardless of the flow control in the wifly device, so it can always be this way.
** I am not sure why the original statement for EFR doesn’t work : writeRegister(EFR, SPI_Uart_config.Flow);
but to me it clearly did not, as communication at 115200 went with some errors before i changed this,
while i was able to go all the way up to 916200 with this combined with uart flow control in the wifly.
– in the modified hardware factory reset module:
#include “WiFly.h” //this will also include the spiUart.cpp since wifly.h has includes-- etc.
// Setting up a serial connection over USB is strictly not needed, but since i use the readResponse ill add this to make the code complete
SpiSerial.begin(); // Connect to the spiserial, using 9600 baud
hardware reset stuff getting the wifly back to factory settings
// reboot wilfy
readResponse(1000); // give the wifly 1000ms to settle after boot
SpiSerial.print(“$$$”); // enter command mode
readResponse(300); // 300 ms should be enough time to settle *
SpiSerial.println(“set uart b 921600”); // set baudrate
readResponse(1000); // 1 sec is good for reading if you also write to the serial monitor using the USB to PC connection.
SpiSerial.println(“set uart flow 1”); // set flow control**
SpiSerial.println(“save”); // always save after changing
hardwareReboot(); //perhaps this can be done w/o reboot if baud rates was set instantly
SpiSerial.begin(921600); // setting up the correct baud rate for the spi serial is essensial if you want to read whatever is coming after booting
– Now the wifly should start up with a valid baudrate of 921600.
- if you want to skip using a predefined time, you need to be able to predict and read what is coming
to ensure that all is read before attempting to give the next command. For me, i’m not relying on top
speed during configuration, this i’d rather wait (and read whatever is coming in a timeframe) since it is safer.
** setting flow control in the wifly is OK at all times but useless if you didn’t do it on the Spi-Uart, likewise
setting flow control in the Spi-Uart is OK at all times, but useless if you don’t do it in the wifly device.
Note that if you struggle using (an “old”) arduino pro- i found that the board i thought was a 3.3V Device running at 8 MHz actually was running at 16MHz (powered by USB only)- which means that settings like the baudrate in fact was doubled. Selecting the correct device when programming will correct this, as will using half the baudrates for the SpiUart and the Uart (over USB) setting. If you find yourself mysteriously using half the expected baudrate, try switch device from 3 to 5 V in the programming interface…