I am using the Sparkfun WiFly Shield on an Arduino Uno utilizing the Sparkfun WiFly Library. Everything seems to work well using the default SPI Select Pin, “SS” (Pin 10). However, I plan to hook-up another device that uses Pin 10. Therefore, I am trying to modify the SPI Select Pin in the Sparkfun WiFly Library. It appears that the “_Spi.cpp” file of the WiFly Library contains the SPI Select Pin assignment of “SS” in the form of “begin(SS)”. I have tried changing to different select pins by using the statement: “begin(9)”, “begin(8)”, or “begin(5)”. When I change the library code, I move the select jumper wire to Arduino pins D9, D8, and D5 respectively. Unfortunately, I can only make the WiFly Shield using the statements: “begin(SS)” or “begin(10)”. I would greatly appriciate it if anyone has any insights as to what I am doing wrong.
Thanks, Carl