Hello Forum,
I would like to port some music from a smartphone to some speakers over Bluetooth using Blynk. Blynk provides a list of supported hardware (https://github.com/blynkkk/blynkkk.gith … ardware.md) and the RN-52 is NOT on that list. This does not necessarily mean that the RN-52 will not work with Blynk.
Or how about an Arduino Nano 33?
Has anybody tried this?
Does anybody have a suggestion/recommendation about how to transmit music from smartphone/tablet to other device over Bluetooth (A2DP I believe).
If I am unable to transmit music, then I was just going to save a bunch of MP3 files on a microSD card and then use an MP3/microSD player module like this https://www.amazon.com/DEVMO-U-Disk-WTV … NrPXRydWU=
Any thoughts?