Will the Zio Qwiic OLED Display (1.5inch, 128x128) work on the adafruit SSD1327 library?

I’m looking for a display around this size. I bought one from “Waveshare” on ebay and it won’t initialize with the adafruit sample code and library installed. Are there different SSD1327’s out there that would require the use of different libraries or is it a matter of how they are incorporated into whatever board they are installed on?

I was hoping the sparkfun display might work with the libraries I’m using. The Zio sample code is a bit of a mess from what I looked at trying to get this thing going.

It certainly looks like it would work (the Zio code basically just has you comment out the model/library in use, of which SSD1327 is on the list), but I wouldn’t guarantee such…perhaps give it a try and report the results here?