Hello Everybody!
Let me start off by saying I am an extreme embedded electronics novice. This site was actually recommended to me by a member over at mp3car.com, due to my question there.
I do not know where to start and I hope y’all will be willing to provide some advice/suggestions.
I am looking to make a device that does the following:
Have a small transmitter (will be referred to as “fob” from hereafter) that upon getting within 10ft of the car allows the successful usage of a switch hidden underneath each door handle that gives power to the door lock solenoids.
So to get in the car, you would walk up to it and push a button (located on the underside of the door handle) that unlocks the doors, this would trigger the door lock solenoid and unlock the doors, you would pull the handle.
If Joe Blow though walks up to the car (when I am not within range) and pushes the button it would do nothing.
Also, I would like this transmitter to activate what I would imagine would be a “constant” relay to allow me to start the car via a push button switch. So as long as the fob is within distance the car can be started without a key, but via a switch. (the starter button stuff has already been figured out, it’s just what would be needed to make sure it is only operational when the fob is within range)
Lastly, I would like the doors to automatically lock once the fob has left range.
The car all this is going on is a Honda s2000 and I am trying to loosely emulate the car key fob systems of Mercedes Benz, Infinity, Lexus, etc. Although I’m not looking for an “alarm” solution so much as just a transmitter that allows me to push a button to unlock doors.
I’m assuming there is quite a bit of work involved in all of this, but any and ALL advice that y’all can provide would be very very much appreciated!!!