My project involves finding an accurate relative heading at 5Hz between a moving base and rover at a range of <100m. Using U center and Ublox’s Application Notes I have achieved an RTK fix with cm level relative accuracy using a wired connection. My next step is to establish a wireless link to send RTCM messages from the moving base to the rover.
Your RTK2 Hookup Guide recommends the Bluetooth Mate. I note page 12 of Ublox’s Moving Base Application Note recommends a baud rate of 460800 for navigation rates above 1Hz. Will the Mate be able to send the required set of RTCM messages at 5Hz?
I scanned your RTK2 Hookup Guide and other forums for advice to configure a pair of transceivers, i.e. using a pair of Mates or say ESP8266’s. I was unable to find details to configure a pair of Mates for a moving base setup. Since this should be fairly common, could you perhaps augment your current Hookup Guide, or point me to some beginner level instructions elsewhere?