wireless sound transfering


I have a hobby project to make a headset of earphone+microphone that could join as a network. Say 5 people could sit in a noisy place and wear them, communicating with better listening each other.

I got to this to learn wireless communication better and I aimed to make the PCB for it on my own.

The current problem is that I can’t select a wifi SoC, a single chip solution for the headset. wifi modules come very expensive for such a project.

May be I should move to another solution other than wifi/bluetooth communication at all?

Please give some ideas

I think an issue might be that WiFi is a little overkill for this. Some low power RF option (like the NRF24L01) is probably better suited for your application. You still need a micro and appropriate analog circuitry. There are also micro + radio options that could reduce your part count.

I think an issue might be that WiFi is a little overkill for this. Some low power RF option (like the NRF24L01) is probably better suited for your application. You still need a micro and appropriate analog circuitry. There are also micro + radio options that could reduce your part count.

Many thanks! Could you point me to some other resources/samples/tutorials on internet, or suggest a book, etc, I mean some information resource that helps please?

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