Wireless Transciever

Hi for my project I need a wireless communication mechanism. The setup is as follows

I have a group of small robots which are moving all around the room. Each of these robots position is tracked. I want the information in the sensors (or from the onboard micro controller) to be sent via wireless to a central transceiver which is connected to a computer. The computer then sends out responses via the transceiver to all the individual robots.

Are there any kits or boards which does this job.

I have looked at some products based on the Nordic SoC in the sparkfun website. But I did not understand very much from that.


many of the robotics web sites show use of Digi XBee series 1.

SFE sells these.

The Nordic nRF24L01+ modules are ideal for that application. They are quite easy to use.

Cheap ones are available on Ebay.