Wiring and Coding I2C connection with Sparkfun RedBoard

I am working on being able to read temperature probes through an I2C connection using MATLAB and I have been running into some trouble. I am new to this so I am hoping the issue is fairly simple to fix. In terms of the wiring of the board, I can share pictures but we are essentially using a voltage divider setup to read temperature from thermistors. We are connecting the SCL and SDA pins from a Sparkfun Redboard to a breadboard, which are then wired to the same pins on an Adafruit ADS1115, and we then want to use the A0-A3 pins to get our readings.

I found the code I am using in MATLAB from this link: https://www.mathworks.com/help/supportp … dware.html

and when I run it I get an error saying that there is no device found on bus 0. I tried scanning bus 1 as well and was given an error saying that ‘valid bus numbers are 0’, and I am not sure what the issue might be.

The end goal of our wiring/coding is to be able to get 16 temperature readings using 4 adafruit ADS1115’s (and single-ended connections), and any help with this would be appreciated!

All of this should work on a Redboard, it’s essentially the same thing as an Arduino Uno.

I think I would try running a single board with Adafruit’s library and example first as a test to make sure you’re able to communicate with the sensor. Once that’s working, assign different addresses to the remaining three boards and modify the example code to address each one.

From there you just need to adapt the code to work with your matlab setup.