Wrote a New Configuration to ATECC508A, did not lock, unable to WakeUp

I am having problems. At first I thought it was because I sent some bad code which caused a stack overflow, but I did it twice. After just writing the config, not locking it, and doing a power cycle I am unable to communicate with the crypto chip. I cannot pull the serial number … nor anything really. However, I did a I2c probe and it says it is at 0x58 . I am not sure how it got changed from the default 0x60 and how it is not 0xB0 (as I set in byte 16). I have attached the new configuration in an image linked to below. I recall only changing things highlighted with green and beige.

I am running only the config portion of the script, and not sending any locking commands.

https://github.com/bshambaugh/SparkFun_ … teOnly.ino

The config I am trying is also in this script:

https://github.com/ockam-network/ockam/ … ecc508a.py

The key may be that I do not understand the parameters serialPort and WirePort entirely:

https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_AT … ry.cpp#L39

Configuration old (default) and new (from the Python script)

https://www.flickr.com/photos/160422661 … /lightbox/

Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you.

This is silly. I redid things and realized I must have been editing the wrong file when troubleshooting.

redefining in my header file: src/SparkFun_ATECCX08a_Arduino_Library.h

#define ATECC508A_ADDRESS_DEFAULT 0x58 //7-bit unshifted default I2C Address

fixed the problem.

It might be cleaner to feed this as an argument to atecc.begin() within the Arduino sketch or something.