Xbee 2.5 Problem Delayed Data recive on the End device


i have 2 xbee2.5 modules, and they work, but 1 thing is still not right i guess,

i have 1 module via usb xplorer board from sp

and 1 xbee on a breadboard via usb (RX,TX,0V)

so here is my problem whe i send data from the bradboard(end device config) to my xbee pc USB board pefect @ 115200 it sends and recives the data great, but when i try to send data from my xbee pc (coordinator ) to the end device on the breadboard it sends the data but only 8 byte when i type normally, then it seems not to send and then after a while it sends the rest if it? is it due to the missing RTS, DTR, CTS lines ??

Since i need full duplex data back and forth , this is kind of bugging me ??

I hope i was able to explain it right …

Best regards Oliver

It is interesting.

One question. how did you watch the data from usb interface board to your breadboard?

You use a probe of oscillscope to see?

You ever get this fixed?

I have the same exact issue.


i have 2 xbee2.5 modules, and they work, but 1 thing is still not right i guess,

i have 1 module via usb xplorer board from sp

and 1 xbee on a breadboard via usb (RX,TX,0V)

so here is my problem whe i send data from the bradboard(end device config) to my xbee pc USB board pefect @ 115200 it sends and recives the data great, but when i try to send data from my xbee pc (coordinator ) to the end device on the breadboard it sends the data but only 8 byte when i type normally, then it seems not to send and then after a while it sends the rest if it? is it due to the missing RTS, DTR, CTS lines ??

Since i need full duplex data back and forth , this is kind of bugging me ??

I hope i was able to explain it right …

Best regards Oliver


i have 2 xbee2.5 modules, and they work, but 1 thing is still not right i guess,

i have 1 module via usb xplorer board from sp

and 1 xbee on a breadboard via usb (RX,TX,0V)

so here is my problem whe i send data from the bradboard(end device config) to my xbee pc USB board pefect @ 115200 it sends and recives the data great, but when i try to send data from my xbee pc (coordinator ) to the end device on the breadboard it sends the data but only 8 byte when i type normally, then it seems not to send and then after a while it sends the rest if it? is it due to the missing RTS, DTR, CTS lines ??

Since i need full duplex data back and forth , this is kind of bugging me ??

I hope i was able to explain it right …

Best regards Oliver

Don’t leave CTS floating. Either drive it to create flow control or tie it false.

Nit pick on terminology: Full Duplex means simultaneous transmit and receive, most often. 802.15.4 (and 802.11) are half duplex: cannot transmit and receive because the protocol uses one frequency and time division duplexing (TDD).

Half-duplex is more correct.

Better term is bi-directional data communications

It might not be CTS signal. I contacted Xbee support and verified their solution. Packets are delayed because of Zigbee rules for broadcasting. By default, Xbee’s will broadcast the data and automatic delays are inserted to allow for broadcast to propagate without collisions. This can be avoided by setting the coordinator to unicast by setting the DH and DL parameters. To do this, on the coordinator, and optionally on the router, set the DH and DL to other device’s SH and SL. So for example, set DH(coorindator)=SH(router) and DL(coordinator)=SH(router). This will resolve the problem.

It might not be CTS signal. I contacted Xbee support and verified their solution. Packets are delayed because of Zigbee rules for broadcasting. By default, Xbee’s will broadcast the data and automatic delays are inserted to allow for broadcast to propagate without collisions. This can be avoided by setting the coordinator to unicast by setting the DH and DL parameters. To do this, on the coordinator, and optionally on the router, set the DH and DL to other device’s SH and SL. So for example, set DH(coorindator)=SH(router) and DL(coordinator)=SH(router). This will resolve the problem.

for simple non-meshing networks, better to skip use of heavyweight ZigBee and use 802.15.4 addressing mode.

I was just about to say until I read your post above that yes you basically have to set the co-ordinator DH and DL to the endpoint else you end up with cronic delays!