XBEE Arduino Shield with Teensy 3.2 Using HW Serial


I am using a SP XBEE Arduino Shield and SoftwareSerial to gather race car telemetry. It works great. I just changed from the UNO to the Teensy 3.2 using the SP Teensy Arduino Shield Adapter and it also works fine as long as I use SoftwareSerial. I want to take advantage of the hardware UART and interrupts on Teensy. But I cannot find the documentation that shows how.

hope you can help.



I would suggest viewing this resource to see if that may help: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_uart.html

We also carry a Teensy Xbee Shield if you’re interested: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/te … okup-guide

Thanks Brandon. I have some Teensy XBEE Shields. I will investigate the link you gave me.