Xbee basic pot with led


Basically I got 2 xbee s1 with trace antenna recently and have been trying to use a pot on one end to change the brightness of a led on the other as shown in the following links:

http://examples.digi.com/sensors/802-15 … ntiometer/

http://examples.digi.com/lights-motors- … th-an-led/

However when switched on, the led goes on but stays just as bright no matter what. I have checked the hardware several times and restored the xbees and reprogrammed them as well. I am powering everything through a mbed lpc1768 and using a 10k pot instead of an 2k one but I imagine this should not be a problem. I have also updated the firmware.

I have read some stuff about ap and api and setting them as coordinator and router and having trying out different settings but with no luck. If anyone has any idea what could be up it would be greatly appreciated!

You need to follow the “PWM output with an LED” tutorial instead of the “Digital output” tutorial.

http://examples.digi.com/lights-motors- … th-an-led/

Thanks waltr, I should have noticed that :oops:

OK. I had not seen those tutorials before so thanks for the links.

These seem to be very nice and easy to follow to have those XBees do neat stuff.

Have fun on your project.