XBee Firmware Update Help!

Hello everyone, I was hoping someone on here could shed some light on the problems I’m having updating the firmware on my Xbee modules.

I just recently purchased several and need the extra functionality that the new firmware brings. I can communicate with the XBees using Processing and know that they detect each other. I have also successfully used AT commands and know that the current firmware version is 1083.

The problem is this: when i run the X-CTU program, it doesn’t detect the COM port or USB port that the FTDI serial-to-usb FT232RL board is connected to.

This is the FT232 chip+breakout:

http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/produc … cts_id=718

I wired it according to the diagram given in Tom Igoe’s book Making Things Interactive, which is basically like this pdf tutorial but has 3.3V, RXD, and TXD on the FT232 run to pins 1, 9, 10:


I am on an Intel iMac running VMware/Windows XP Pro, but I’ve tried it on a friend’s PC and still no luck.

Has anyone encountered this problem before? heard about it? know what I should do next? Any help would help me at this point