I just got a set of XBee Pro 900s with RPSMA and the duck antennas. Doing a simple loopback in an open field yields a range of about 300 feet. This is line of sight, each antenna 6 feet off the ground.
Clearly something is amiss. If I swap the modules out for the 2.4GHz 50mw Series 2, range jumps to 2000+feet.
I changed from a loop back to a simple single direction transmit, so I could isolate if one module was better at transmitting. Same results… indicating one of them may have a problem with the internal operations for transmit and receive.
It would seem there are a few possibilities:
(1) One of the XBee modules has a bad connection to the antenna.
(2) One of the antennas is bad
(3) I have the wrong antennas (the 2.4GHz ones).
(4) One of the XBees is bad.
Removing either antenna reduces the range to less then 100 feet, so it would appear the antennas are working at least somewhat.
Power draw during transmit at 9600 baud is about 45ma, which is much less then the datasheet indicates for power draw at maximum transmission.
I have confirmed the order (for the 900MHZ antennas), but it is very difficult to tell them apart. Based on the length and looking at the datasheets they appear to be the 900MHz ones.
If I had a third module, it would be easy to swap out the module and antenna to locate the problem source.
Before I return to Sparkfun for a swap, I thought I would check to see if anyone else has seen this problem. Clearly the direct line of sight range for the 900MHz modules should be much more then 300 feet.