XBEE problem.... please help...

Please help me out…

I have ordered two XBEE modules. They both are connected to two different computers using MAX232 and 74LS244(at 3.3V). I have connected Rx, Tx, 3.3v and Gnd.

Both the XBEEs are configured on both the computers using XCTU software and default configurations are used. I can write and read the commands.

But the xbees do not communicate with each other… I tried the terminal in XCTU and also hyper terminal. But nothing happened.

Please find me a solution. Thanking you.

XBee series 1 or 2? If the latter, we’re off into ZigBee.

If series 1…

Each must have the same config for PAN ID and Channel #

Each must have the destination address of the other, or an all ones broadcast destination address

The ID is 3332

The Channel is ‘C’

I have tried both… the default settings and my own settings…

default settings:-

Source and Destination address in both are 0

My settings:-

1st XBEE:-

Source address = 1

DL = 2

DH = 0

2nd XBEE:-

Source address = 2

DL = 1

DH = 0

How to check that its XBEE series 1 or series 2??

Mine is XBEE Series 1…

So please let me know the solution

try setting one as Coordinator role and the other as an end-point role.

I recall that the Maxstream instructions provide step-by-step to setup and prove, e.g., the “range test” demo

hi steven…

thanks very much for your support… i ll try it out and let u know by tomorrow…

can u tell me how to set one as Coordinator… i know abt end point…

i tried range test by looping one… but it fails continuously…

I suggest that you get in a quiet place and understand Digi/Maxstream’s extensive documentation and samples.