XBEE Regulated Explorer Board serial interface problems

Hi there I am using a xbee 900 pro with a XBee Explorer Regulated… I am trying to wire in a rs232 plug and am not getting any communication… I have read the forums and think everything is soldered correctly but something is still wrong. This is the schematic I have used: http://www.arduino.cc/playground/upload … pinout.gif. I have made 2 different versions with the following connections:

1: VCC, GND, DIN, DOUT (wired directly to rs232 plug based on that schematic)

2: VCC, GND, DIN, DOUT, RTS, CTS, DTR (also wired based on that schematic)

The +5v VCC and GND are supplied via a usb plug

When I plug them in, my computer does not recognize the com port (ie the device manager does not update)

Any advice?

Thanks in advance



The XBee’s data lines are 3.3V logic----RS-232 is -12V to +12V.

The XBee Explorer Regulated board is for interface an XBee to a 5V logic processor NOT RS232.

Look up the RS-232 specs!!!

You need an RS-232 level translator between the XBee (or and uController) and RS-232. The MAX232 or MAX 3232 ICs are very commonly used. Also look at the schematic for any of Sparkfun’s boards that have a processor with RS232 port.

Hope your XBees survived but there is a good possibility that the XBees UART pins are blown.

Alright, I think I have it from here, thanks for clarifying.