…at least I hope it is!
Hey guys/ladies,
I have an Arduion Mega 2560, an XBee shield and an XBee Pro series 1.
I have a loopback wire between the reset and ground on the Arduino, and the shield mounted on it.
If I do a read in the modem settings of X-CTU, it reports that I have an XBP24 on 10ED firmware, and all the settings are at their defaults.
Using X-CTU, if I send a +++ from the terminal, I get an OK back from the XBee, and the terminal notes that I have sent 3 bytes. The problem is, that’s all it will respond to.
If I try to send any AT commands I get nothing, and the terminal shows no additional byte count sent to the module.
I’m fairly new to Arduino so really not sure where to start troubleshooting.
Thanks for any help/advice.