Yes! after MANY hours I finally got it to work!! The Sparkfun (SF) instructions for the bee wifi for some reason are incomplete… I went to GITHUB and got some code there… Problem was they were not too clear on how to set up XCTU… This is the code I used to FINALLY get the XBEE WIFI to connect and send data to SF Data…
I modified the code slightly…
You will notice it is similar to the SF code… I did not bother to compare to see the differences…
BTW make sure your SF shield is set to DLINE
my hardware:
Arduino UNO
SF xbee shield
xbee wifi module
xbee usb explorer - bought off eBay
/////////////////// START //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/* ***************************************************************
Post data to SparkFun's data stream server system (phant) using
an XBee WiFi and XBee Shield.
This sketch uses an XBee WiFi and an XBee Shield to get on
the internet and POST analogRead values to SparkFun's data
logging streams (
Hardware Hookup:
The Arduino shield makes all of the connections you'll need
between Arduino and XBee WiFi. If you have the shield make
UART uses pins D0 and D1
DLINE uses pins D2 and D3 default
USE DLINE and spark fun xbee shield
Requires the lovely Phant library:
Development environment specifics:
IDE: Arduino 1.0.5
Hardware Platform: SparkFun RedBoard
my SF plant stuff
Public Key: xxx
Private Key: yyy
Delete Key: zzz
Stream URL:
If you need help getting started, visit for more info.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Phant.h>
// Time in ms, where we stop waiting for serial data to come in
// 2s is usually pretty good. Don't go under 1000ms (entering
// command mode takes about 1s).
#define COMMAND_TIMEOUT 3000 // ms
// Phant Stuff
String destIP = ""; //'s IP address
String publicKey = "xxx";
String privateKey = "yyy";
Phant phant("", publicKey, privateKey);
const String FieldOne = "var1";
const String FieldTwo = "var2";
// XBee Stuff, we create a synthetic serial connection since the Arduino UNO only has one
const byte XB_RX = 2; // XBee's RX (Din) pin
const byte XB_TX = 3; // XBee's TX (Dout) pin
const int XBEE_BAUD = 9600; // Your XBee's baud (9600 is default)
SoftwareSerial xB(XB_RX, XB_TX);
// variables used
float valueOne = 0;
float valueTwo = 0;
// Phant limits you to 10 seconds between posts. Use this variable
// to limit the update rate (in milliseconds):
const unsigned long UPDATE_RATE = 15000;
unsigned long lastUpdate = 0; // Keep track of last update time
bool sendError = false;
// *****************************************************************************************************
// **** SETUP *************************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************************************
void setup()
// We have a 5 second delay to give the shield and XBee module some
// time to settle down. Without this things weren't starting up
// properly unless the reset button was hit after power up.
// Set up serial ports:
// Set up WiFi network
Serial.println("Testing network");
Serial.print("IP Address: "); printIP(); Serial.println("......");
// setupHTTP() will set up the destination address, port, and
// make sure we're in TCP mode:
// *****************************************************************************************************
// **** MAIN LOOP *********************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************************************
void loop()
// If current time is UPDATE_RATE milliseconds greater than
// the last update rate, send new data.
if (millis() > (lastUpdate + UPDATE_RATE)) {
Serial.print("\nSending update...");
if (sendData()) {
sendError = false;
Serial.println(" SUCCESS!");
} else {
sendError = true;
Serial.println(" Failed :(");
lastUpdate = millis();
//Serial.print(FieldOne); Serial.print(" - "); Serial.println(valueTwo);
//Serial.print(FieldTwo); Serial.print(" - "); Serial.println(valueOne);
// *****************************************************************************************************
// **** FUNCTIONS *********************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************************************
// sendData() makes use of the PHANT LIBRARY to send data to the
// server. We'll use phant.add() to add specific
// parameter and their values to the param list. Then use
// to send that data up to the server.
int sendData()
xB.flush(); // Flush data so we get fresh stuff in
readSensors(); // Get updated values from sensors.
phant.add(FieldOne, valueOne);
phant.add(FieldTwo, valueTwo);
// After our PHANT.ADD's we need to PHANT.POST(). The post needs
// to be sent out the XBee. A simple "print" of that post will
// take care of it.
// Check the response to make sure we receive a "200 OK". If
// we were good little programmers we'd check the content of
// the OK response. If we were good little programmers...
char response[12];
if (waitForAvailable(12) > 0) {
for (int i=0; i<12; i++) {
response[i] =;
if (memcmp(response, "HTTP/1.1 200", 12) == 0)
return 1;
else {
Serial.print("Server repsonse ---- ");
return 0; // Non-200 response
else // Otherwise timeout, no response from server
return -1;
void readSensors()
valueTwo = random (0,50);
valueOne = random (0,50);
// XBee WiFi Setup Stuff //
// setupHTTP() sets three important parameters on the XBee:
// 1. Destination IP -- This is the IP address of the server we want to send data to.
// 2. Destination Port -- We'll be sending data over port 80. The standard HTTP port a server listens to.
// 3. IP protocol -- We'll be using TCP (instead of default UDP).
void setupHTTP(String address)
// Enter command mode, wait till we get there.
while (!commandMode(1)) ;
// Set IP (1 - TCP)
command("ATIP1", 2); // RESP: OK
// Set DL (destination IP address)
command("ATDL" + address, 2); // RESP: OK
// Set DE (0x50 - port 80)
command("ATDE50", 2); // RESP: OK
commandMode(0); // Exit command mode when done
// printIP() //
// Simple function that enters command mode, reads the IP and
// prints it to a serial terminal. Then exits command mode.
void printIP()
// Wait till we get into command Mode.
while (!commandMode(1))
// Get rid of any data that may have already been in the
// serial receive buffer:
// Send the ATMY command. Should at least respond with "\r" (7 characters):
command("ATMY", 7);
// While there are characters to be read, read them and throw
// them out to the serial monitor.
while (xB.available() > 0) {
// Exit command mode:
// Assumes you've already configured your XBee module's WiFi settings using X-CTU
// and simply blinks the LED while connecting or if there is a problem. We also
// turn on the LED once connected.
void connectWiFi()
const String CMD_SSID = "ATID";
const String CMD_ENC = "ATEE";
const String CMD_PSK = "ATPK";
// Check if we're connected. If so, sweet! We're done.
// Otherwise, time to configure some settings, and print
// some status messages:
int status;
while ((status = checkConnect()) != 0)
// Print a status message. If `status` isn't 0 (indicating
// "connected"), then it'll be one of these
// (from XBee WiFI user's manual):
// 0x01 - WiFi transceiver initialization in progress.
// 0x02 - WiFi transceiver initialized, but not yet scanning
// for access point.
// 0x13 - Disconnecting from access point.
// 0x23 – SSID not configured.
// 0x24 - Encryption key invalid (either NULL or invalid
// length for WEP)
// 0x27 – SSID was found, but join failed. 0x40- Waiting for
// WPA or WPA2 Authentication
// 0x41 – Module joined a network and is waiting for IP
// configuration to complete, which usually means it is
// waiting for a DHCP provided address.
// 0x42 – Module is joined, IP is configured, and listening
// sockets are being set up.
// 0xFF– Module is currently scanning for the configured SSID.
// We added 0xFE to indicate connected but SSID doesn't match the provided id.
Serial.print("Waiting to connect: ");
Serial.println(status, HEX);
// Check if the XBee is connected to a WiFi network.
// This function will send the ATAI command to the XBee.
// That command will return with either a 0 (meaning connected)
// or various values indicating different levels of no-connect.
byte checkConnect()
byte i=0xFF;
char temp[2];
while (!commandMode(1))
command("ATAI", 2);
temp[0] = hexToInt(;
temp[1] = hexToInt(;
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.print("temp[0] = "); Serial.println(temp[0], HEX);
Serial.print("temp[1] = "); Serial.println(temp[1], HEX);
#endif //
if (temp[0] == 0) {
return 0;
else {
return (temp[0]<<4) | temp[1];
// Low-level, ugly, XBee Functions //
void command(String atcmd, int rsplen)
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.print("Entering command: ");
#ifdef DEBUG
int commandMode(boolean enter)
if (enter) {
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.println("Entering Command Mode");
char c;
xB.print("+++"); // Send CMD mode string
if (xB.available() > 0) {
c =;
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.print("Command Mode Response: ");
if (c == 'O') // That's the letter 'O', assume 'K' is next
return 1; // IF we see "OK" return success
return 0; // If no (or incorrect) receive, return fail
else {
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.println("Exiting Command Mode");
command("ATCN", 2);
return 1;
int waitForAvailable(int qty)
int timeout = COMMAND_TIMEOUT;
while ((timeout-- > 0) && (xB.available() < qty))
return timeout;
byte hexToInt(char c)
if (c >= 0x41) // If it's A-F
return c - 0x37;
return c - 0x30;
/////////////////// END //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
I have the following settings In XCTU:
ID - ssid
EE - security mode
NS - DNS address
DE - 50 hex which is port 80 in decimal
GW, GW, MK, MY - the settings the router assigns
the rest are the default, out of the box settings…
Hope all this works for you!!