XM125 with a non-SparkFun esp32 board

I’m attempting to use an XM125 board with an ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 board. I have the distance firmware flashed to the XM125 board. The Qwiic connector is connected to ground, 3.3v, SDA to pin 16, SCL to pin 15. I have tried other pins with no change. I’ve tried with and without pullups. Other I2C devices work. The sensor doesn’t work plus nothing shows up when I try to scan for I2C devices. Is there something else needed to go from an ESP32 to a Qwiic interface?

Not usually (other than the steps you’ve already tried…scan, pull-ups, other devices)
I presume you have Installing the STM32CubeProgrammer - SparkFun Qwiic Pulsed Coherent Radar Sensor Breakout - Acconeer XM125 Hookup Guide because you mentioned FW upload…just double check that you have the i2c version of the distance detection bin (also, that bin is for examples 6-9, so be sure to be attempting one of those or changing the FW)

You could also try the python tool to see if the unit shows up there

Are the LEDs coming on? Is there a successful FW flash msg?

Thanks for your reply. I tried the Python Exploration Tool with the proper firmware. It will flash via USB and say the flash was a success. It will open the COM port, but when I click begin measurement or calibrate it gives a data error and disconnects.
The power LED does turn on. I did make sure I used the I2C distance firmware when trying with the ESP32.
Something else I noticed is that when plugged into the Qwiic connector and not USB, there is a chip on the bottom that gets very hot. The correct pins are connected and it’s only getting 3.3v. The LED still turns on. I can swap it out with other 3.3v I2C devices which work fine. I tried some other ESP32 boards which had the same heat issue on the XM125 board.
I applied to RMA it. I hope I can ship it in for someone to test.
Thanks for your time and suggestions!

Oh, I think I remember something similar from before as a final test: be sure to un-select ‘auto’ for any speed settings/baud rates and instead set it manually

Thank you. I just tried every common baud rate a bunch of times with my fingers crossed. The Acconeer Exploration Tool can connect but only throws errors when I hit a button to start measurement or calibrate I just get an instant data error. I tried a couple of other computers and a bunch of USB cables. Thanks for the idea!