[ZED-F9P]How do I get the data more frequently?

I have got GPS-RTK Dead Reckoning pHAT Board for Raspberry Pi and using with Raspberry Pi4(8GB).

I’m trying sample program in Qwiic_Ublox_Gps_Py Repository like “geo_coords_ex1.py”, but it output data in only about 0.3Hz.

In the U-center, the frequency is about 20 Hz as setting.

If there is a way to increase the frequency of data acquisition I would like to know.


Repository: https://github.com/sparkfun/Qwiic_Ublox_Gps_Py


Hi KeiNitta, did you ever figure this out? I’m also interested in getting it to consistently produce fresh PVT data at 20hz. It often does, but not always. About 20% of the time the data is stale. Thanks