12c interruption issue?

Hi guys.

I’m relatively new using i2c just wondering if anyone could help me out. im using the sparkfun auto phat. I’m also connecting an external imu bnoo55 to the pi from the gpio header my issue is that when I run the motors connected to the phatt and the imu bnoo55 there seems to be a read error and the operation fails both devices have different i2c addresses

Share a photo of the wiring/setup. (how is the board powered? if powered through the Pi, the motors are likely overdrawing the amperage the Pi can provide, and could be causing ‘brown-out’)

Try using external power to the board and see if you still have problems (either via USB-C or the EXT PWR pins); also be sure the correct libraries are installed https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … e-overview