12v motor rechargeable 12v battery and controller with gesture controller

Can someone tell me, what parts I need for a hand gestured controller, with a receiver that can use a 12 volt rechargeable battery to power a high torque low rpm 12 volt motor? I only need to make the motor rotate left and right.

If the gesture is 'Come ‘ere, you’ with a side of pistol grip, you just described a drill.

No stop command?

What sort of gestures do you have in mind, and at what distance from the gesture sensor?

Thanks for replying. About 30 feet. I only need 180 deg of rotation. Was thinking about using mechanical stops at each end. If their is a way to do it electronically, I’m good with that also.

Thanks again,
Mike G

A double pole, double or triple throw, hand-operated switch and multiwire cable would work well to control a motor over a 30 foot distance.

Thanks, I needs to be wireless and use bluetooth to control. Look up hand gestured RC cars.