3.3VDC Relay Bank to Control 12VDC

From what I’ve come to understand, there isn’t a traditional relay with a coil power of 3.3V to control 12V, so I’m going to have to do something solid state. This is taking things outside of my wheelhouse.

Can someone explain, or point me somewhere that will, how to do this? I’m at a loss right now.

A quick search of Digikey shows a lot of relays with a 3V coil. http://www.digikey.com/product-search/e … ageSize=25

I’m assuming 3.3V is from your microcontroller but what load are you trying to control?

Also, what led you to believe there were no relay options for you?


I’m trying to control several different loads within my car (12VDC).

I came to that conclusion after searching through mouser.com.

Looking at Mouser shows 448 relays with a 3 V coil; adding 3 VDC and 3.3 V gets you to 464.
