4 digit LED dot Matrix Displays (MAX7219) - Where can I get a ready-made Bezel to mount on a panel?

These matrix displays (see picture)

https://www.az-delivery.uk/cdn/shop/pro … 1679398949

seem to sell in huge numbers. However, they are quite hard to panel mount without a bezel of some kind. Although there are some quite nifty looking 3D models of bezels for them, there seems to be nobody selling ready made ones - at least, after a long search I have found none.

Given the number of these that seem to be sold I’d have thought someone would be selling a bezel or a mounting kit for them. Can anyone point me to such a product? If not, seems like I might have to pay to get one 3D printed as I don’t own a machine but a ready made one would be better.

I think a lot of the appeal of those displays is the ability to install in gapless banks to make larger displays. The design choices that make this possible are the same that make bezel mounting tricky.

If there are 3D print plans available, I’d make friends with a local hobbyist. In my experience, they’re frequently itching for a useful project.

Thanks - I think I may have to opt for that route in the end. Just seems amazing to me that nobody has seen this opportunity.