4 wire SPI advice requested for Arduino Core

I have an initial schematic using Artemis along with a 32 x 128 OLED display that uses SPI.

I had selected the M2-SPI for SPI using: MOSI2 -D28; MISO2 -D25; & SCK2 -D27.

I wanted to test the SPI with the Artemis ATP. The Artemis Arduino example SPI code appears to use the same pins I used in my schematic. To follow the example I connected ATP pin ‘-28’ to pin ‘RX1’ (which is -D25). The serial monitor says the test fails every other time.

Next I tried my Artemis DK board and I got the same behavior has the ATP board.

I then changed the #defines to the default (mySDI D6; mySDO D7; myCLK D5) for the ATP board. Serial monitor reports a pass each time.


#1 What steps do I need to take to get M2-SPI to pass the Artemis Arduino SPI example code (with the ATP or DK boards)?

#2 If I fall back to the default M0-SPI will I still be able to use D7 for Bootload?

I see that BOOT (Bootload) is NOT the same as -D7. -D7 is mapped to Artemis pad #13. I tripped over the Artemis to Apollo3 pin mapping. Hence I will use the M0-SPI.