5 V Reference for ADC in QWIIC System

Does anybody have experience with the SparkFun Qwiic 12 Bit ADC - 4 Channel (ADS1015)?

I am hoping to read in 0-5 V signals to my NVIDIA Jetson Nano via I2C. Is it possible to do this? Or is there another board which would be a better fit?

Thanks for any help!

Sure, it’d do a great job…just be sure to perform voltage/logic level shift to get the 5v down to 3.3v for the i2c https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/qw … e-overview (which is what the Jetson Nano and most boards use)…we carry a few https://www.sparkfun.com/categories/361

The ADC inputs are 3.6 volts max. You will need a voltage divider ahead of the inputs to drop your 0-5 volts signal down to 0-3 volts. (Avoid going to 3.6 as anything more will break things)

Google “resistor voltage divider” for information on how to make a divider.