ADS1015 12 Bit ADC ‐ 5 volt operation connection - Terminals or what?

On the datasheet for the SparkFun Qwiic 12 Bit ADC ‐ 4 Channel (ADS1015) at… … 34_Web.pdf

It says the operating voltage is 2 volts to 5.5 volts.

Elsewhere it says using the Qwiic connect the operating voltage is 3.3 volts.

My Questions:

  • 1 - if I bring power to the board via the screw terminals can I use a 5 volt supply…

    or must I buy a “buck” converter to have it stepped down to 3.3 volts?

  • 2 - What is the range of the analog voltage going to any of the four a/d screw terminals?
  • Thanks for any help.

    Eh, it’s a mixed bag - see this entire section … e-overview which can walk you through the different configurations (some require stepped-down, some not)