If you’ve ever played with data logging or I2C eeproms, you realize how quickly one fills up 16,000 bytes of flash memory. What is the easiest way around this limit? Currently, you can string upto 8 256k microchip i2c eeproms and get 2 meg of usable space.
How does 64 meg sound?
We are currently developing a smart media controller! If you’ve ever played with 1st generation RIO mp3 players or almost all 1st generation digital cameras - you know what smart media is. These really small cards are dropping in price! Checkout http://www.pricewatch.com for the current price - but 64 meg runs for about $20.
Yea, the new formats are smaller, but smart media is cheap and many people already have extra cards laying around.
The idea is simple - a little board with a controller and a smart media socket. You interface the board through the SPI or I2C interface and you have up to 128 meg of flash eeprom. Sheesh! It’s huge!
Pictures and more info on the way… Let us know if you think you could use something like this!