About Artemis logger baudrate


I’m using this device for logging the uart output from another system. I’m only using the serial logging.

I have the problem that at maximum baudrate (500kbps), some bits are not correct and thus I’m losing data.

I have analysed the signal with scope and also logic analyzer and the signal integrity is good and I’m not experiencing any bit flips or similar with the logic analyzer.

I have tested at lower baudrates, like 256kbps and 115.2kbps and the logger works perfectly at this serial baudrate.

I see myself then forced to lower the baudrate of the logger communications. That’s not too bad but after each reset, the baudrate is set back to 500kbps, which is undesired because I have to manually change it back to a lower speed in order for it to work.

Please propose a workaround so I don’t have to manually reconfigure the logger after every issue.


There are a few different baud settings within the menus; be sure to configure the serial loggging settings “Configure Serial Logging” here https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/op … figuration

There’s also a section that details enabling max logging (on/off, also controllable with pin #11) which might help as a workaround?


I am looking for a small module that can be connected with two wires that can be programmed with a set value and then read at the other end of the wire with a hand held device

I’m sure it can be done I just don’t know where to look. A small eeprom like on your bread board picture is close. I’m grateful for your help

Also a digital display on the hand held

Hi TS-Russell,

As explained in the post, I have been able to successfuly change the baudrate. I just need this new baudrate, for example 256kbps, to remain the default value even though the system is reset (which unfortunately happens when the SD is removed, so everytime I want to check the logged data).


@Zeplin1967 : Welcome! It is best to post a new topic when asking a new question. General Chit Chat or Projects ( viewforum.php?f=141 ) might be best. Also, try searching for “Arduino OneWire”. There are some 1-wire serial number devices which may do what you need? E.g. DS2401+.

@transistors62 : You say “after each reset, the baudrate is set back to 500kbp”. When you say “reset”, do you mean power-cycling the OpenLog Artemis, or do you mean an actual reset (option “r” from the menu)? The baud rate is saved both in memory and on the SD card. A power cycle should not change it. There must be something unusual going on if it is being reset to the default.

Best wishes,


@transistors62 : the default baud rate for serial logging is 9600 baud. So I am really puzzled about how / why it is being set to 500000. Please walk us through this: please describe the steps you take to change the baud rate on both your other system and the OpenLog Artemis; please also describe the steps you take before and after you remove and reinsert the SD card. I am wondering if the settings are being corrupted in some way, or not saved correctly?



@transistors62 : when you change the baud rate using menu 4) Configure Serial Logging, then 4) Set serial baud rate, please make sure you exit the menus correctly afterward using option “x”. The settings are only saved when you exit the main menu and return to logging data.



Hi Paul,

The process:

  • I start with an artemis logger configured at 500kbps, I might have set that frequency. The logger does not have the microsd plugged in

  • I communicate with it using a serial port communication software (Mobaxterm) with my computer connected to the USB port, I open the channel at 115200bps and the communication resumes

  • I configure a new serail baudrate speed by pressing ‘any key’ + 4 + 4 and then set a configuration, like for example 9600

  • I check the configuration and indeed it appears 9600 bps

  • I reset using the reset button

  • I check the config of the board, it says serial logging speed is 9600bps

  • I disconnect the usb and plug it back and check again and baudrate is 9600, so far, so good

  • While the usb cable is disconnected (logger is off), I plug in the microsd (1GB)

  • I connect the usb and check the baudrate: it has changed by itself to 256kbps - not good

  • I reset using the button, remains at 256kbps

  • I remove USB cable, remove SD card, connect USB cable without SD, check speed and it is 115200 :o

  • Reconfigure it back to 9600

  • reset, play around, remains 9600

  • while off, put back the microsd, check speed: 115200

  • change speed to 256kbps

  • power cycle, reset, speed remains 256kbps

  • remove microsd, speed remains 256kbps

To me it looks like there’s an internal memory but if you have used the microsd before, the configuration inside the microsd might have a higher priority than the internal memory or the like.


I think this is the cause of your issue:

  • I configure a new serail baudrate speed by pressing ‘any key’ + 4 + 4 and then set a configuration, like for example 9600

  • I check the configuration and indeed it appears 9600 bps

  • I reset using the reset button

The baud rate is only saved when you exit the main menu - by entering “x” twice.

Please try:

  • Configure a new serial baudrate speed by pressing ‘any key’ + 4 + 4 and then set a configuration, like for example 9600

  • Exit the menus by pressing x twice

  • Reset using the reset button

I hope this helps,
