Openlog Artemis DEV-16832 - Configuration menu

Has anyone else had issues with being able to access the Openlog configuration menu. I have mine connected to the USB, with the right comport and 115200 bps, and it doesn’t respond when I type in Teraterm or hit send in the Arduino Serial Monitor. I did have this work briefly yesterday, but I am wondering if this intermittent functionality means the board is broken. When I connect to the comport data is streaming out at the default 10 Hz so the TX seems to be working. It wont let me reflash the firmware or bootloader either.

The RX LED on the Artemis also briefly lights up when I press the send button in the Arduino Serial Monitor. So it seems to be getting the signal.

Test the cable & port by swapping them…any change?

I tried another cable and used a different port on my computer and I found the same result. Is there a good spot that I can connect my digital single analyzer to see if there is signal? It doesnt look like those lines are all that accessible. Also is there a way that I can use a pull up resistor to help force reloading the bootloader. I saw sometime on that, but it was for an older model.

Can you change ANY settings via config menu? OpenLog Artemis Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn

No, I cannot even get into the configuration menu. On another unit this seems to work fine. I wonder if this one is a lost cause.

Perhaps…did you try swapping SD cards too? Otherwise it does seem dead

If it was new: Was it purchased from us? If so head over to Returns (contact vendor if purchased elsewhere) and we’ll get ya squared away