SparkFun OpenLog


I’m very much a noob. I’ve had the assistance of seasoned programmers help create a data logger. I don’t want to keep bugging them though. They feel the logger may be faulty. No config file seems to ever be created. And when they created one, and intentionally input a wrong baud rate , the config file was never fixed when it rebooted. Any help?

purchased from the SparkFun website a month ago. Its hooked up to a nano. both stat lights with a 16gb sd card inserted are on and steady (not blinking).

Any help would be great

Want to help… but need more info .

Ccan you provide more info on WHICH openlog module exactly ?

What sketches did you use?

What error messages (if any) ?

What did you try ? … 1675178467

No errors just doesn’t write to the sd card, Have tried multiple cards as well. Odd thing is the blue and the green led’s are lit, BUT they are stead and dont go on/off, flash, they are steady on. Also, there is no config file on the sd card??? thoughts?

Looks to me either the board is broken, or the firmware, or you do not have serial communication. The blue led should blink with serial communication.

Do you use an Artemis Nano ?

How do you connect (which serial connection) ?



Hey Paul, it’s not definitely not the board. I just received a replacement of the same board, and nothing is writing. I’m not even showing a config on the microsd which leads me to believe its a coding issue on my end.

It’s all on a breadboard right now, I have the open logger hooked to a nano with the following connections:

Open logger - Nano

grn - rst

rx- txi. (w/a 1k resister inline)

txo -rx0

+. - 3.3v

  • gnd

blk - gnd

too bad …

which Nano ? Artemis Nano ? do you have module number ?

why the 1K resistor inline ?