I have this idea of installing a triple axis accelerometer on an FTC bot. The intent is to measure how hard the bot hits the wall while the operators are pressured for time. So far, I’ve seen several models that might work, but I wonder if there are any guidelines such that I can use it with an Arduino Uno board. Thank you
Peak accelerations during a severe impact can be 100 g or more. You will need to experiment with your bot to learn what to expect, so select several accelerometers with various ranges and do the experiment.
The popular ADXL345 is +/-16 g max, which I suspect is not high enough. The I2C interface is also slow, so for fast measurements use SPI.
Consider also the ADXL377, which has +/- 200 g maximum and analog readout which is much faster than I2C. There are many others on the market.
Hello, which triple axis accelerometer are you using? ADXL345 or something else?
I have yet to buy one, the intention is to check expert opinions before I make any decision. With that said, I do have an Arduino UNO board, so I’m thinking on buying a compatible accelerometer
Thank you
I see. You can choose between LIS331HH Fermion: LIS331HH 3-Axis Accelerometer Breakout Arduino Wiki - DFRobot
or ADXL377
ADXL337 and ADXL377 Accelerometer Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn