Access SD Card via RN-XV WiFly Module

Hi there,

I am trying to configure an Arduino UNO, a wireless SD shield,a RN-XV WiFly module and temperature sensors to do the following.

The temperature sensors log the temperature into a .txt file in the SD card (this works) and then I would like to do one of 2 things:

  • Access the data in the SD card wirelessly

    Upload file to my FTP server

  • My WiFly module is connected to my wireless network. I can ping it through command prompt. My FTP server works. I can connect to it via Tera Term. When I issue the command “ftp put demo.txt” in Tera Term for the WiFly module to create the demo.txt file it gives me the FTP timeout=2 error. My WiFly is version 4.00

    Any suggestions? Let me know if you need any more information of my setup.

    Thank you.