AD8232 - Convert raw data outputs to millivolts (mV)

I have been working with the AD8232 ECG modules for a while now and I am trying to figure out what the raw outputs from this module correlate to. I cannot seem to find any information from its datasheet as to what these output values represent and how I can go about converting them into millivolts (mV).

Any assistance or guidance in converting these values to mV would be greatly appreciated.

Which code did you try? This one? … rduino.ino

If so, you can easily calculate the voltage. The analogRead() function returns a value 0-1023. If sensorvalue=analogRead(A0),

You can convert this value from the following formula.


This formula gives the voltage reading in Volts. You can convert it to millivolts by multiplying with 1000.

Thank you for your reply. This is exactly the calculation I needed. For some reason I presumed it would be more complex. Thank you very much for your answer!


I have realized that this solution is not what I was after unfortunately. What I am trying to achieve is to convert the analog outputs to the raw ECG outputs in mV. Essentially a calculation that can reverse the AD8232 outputs back to the raw heart derived data that was recorded in. These ouputs are usually in the range of -3mV:+3mV.

Many thanks.