Adding a UART and RS-232 link to EasyWeb

I recently purchased a EasyWeb and a couple of other boards. I am very impressed, worked right out of the box and is professionally done. Thanks

I would like to know if it is possible to add 2-3 RS_232 DB-9 ports to the Easy Web, Can you provide a simple explaination or would you create a design that I could purchase.


Jay C

This would be question for Olimex directly. I think they are tremendously busy with all sorts of new products. I will email Tsvetan to let him know…

Hello Jay,

there is extension port on EasyWeb2

USART software implementation is very easy on MSP430 with the timer interrupts, so you should have no problem to add software UARTS to the pins which go to Extension port, then you should add small circuit with MAX3232 to adjust levels for RS232 cable

We don’t plan to add any other RS232 channels on existing boards as this will rise price and definitely not everyone will need them

Best regards


OK…Thanks for the fast reply. I will look into what I can do.

