The expLoRaBLE hookup guide says: “For remote LoRa applications, a Li-Po battery can be connected. Additionally, users may be interested in utilizing a solar panel and USB-C cable to recharge their battery.”
The guide also says: "The charging circuit utilizes the MCP73831 linear charge management controller and is powered directly from the USB-C connector or USB. " Page 3 of the MCP73831/2 datasheet appears to indicate that the max input voltage is 6V.
I have a , and their spec’s say:" The typical open circuit voltage is around 5V, depending on light intensity. In those bright summer days with a clear sky and big sun, the peak OC voltage can rush up to 10V. To prevent any damage to boards that accept a narrow range of input voltage, like Lipo Rider, it’s recommended to check whether the OC voltage is safe before any connection."
Do I connect the solar panel to The expLoRaBLE’s VUSB and GND pins?
Do I need to put some sort of additional regulator between the solar panel and the expLoRaBLE’s VUSB pin?
If so, can you suggest what type of regulator?