ADH8066 Communication Issues

Ive been having a lot of trouble getting my responses from the ADH8066 cell module to show up clearly. See [this image for what im talking about.

The ADH8066 is connected to the Sparkfun evaluation board and powered with an external adapter. If I communicate using minicom over usb there are no issues. The only time I have issues is when I am trying to communicate using my [Sparkfun Pro Micro 3.3V 8MHz board connected to the RX and TX lines. I am using a baud rate of 115200. Does anyone have some example code they used to successfully communicate or any other suggestions?](](Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life)

Ok, I believe I may have found out what the problem is. After reading [this post, I believe I am having the same problem. I am trying to communicate with a baud rate of 115200 and the board I am using runs at 8 MHz. Anyone know if it is possible to change the frequency on this board and how to calculate a chip frequency that would work for this?](